William Sansom was widely acclaimed during his lifetime. Listed below are just some of the critics from all over the world who celebrated his work.
"It is difficult within the limits of a necessarily brief review to do justice to the art of so powerful and original a writer as Mr William Sansom. No one acquainted with his work can doubt that in him we have one of the most gifted, if not the most gifted, of younger writers of the short story."
Sir Osbert Sitwell
"Mr Sansom is the most spirited writer of his generation who has so far appeared."
Raymond Mortimer
London Times
"His observation, wit and use of words are fresh, exciting and beautiful."
John Betjeman
London Daily
"Mr Sansom's descriptions are extraordinary. He is the only English writer who sees the physical world in a new way…his descriptive power, together with his dialogues and his original social analysis, have entirely rescued the lower middle-class world from the rough writers and the reporters."
V. S. Pritchett
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